KioWare - Kiosk System Software - User Guides

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Configuration Tool
Design Guide (Programming)
KioWare Classic   |   Platform: Windows®   |   Version: 7.7


The most recent user guides will always be available at, Support menu, User Guides.  Keep in mind that user guides online may contain features that your version does not have.

KioWare Classic Overview

Do you have questions about KioWare Classic?  If so, we have the answers.

What is the purpose?Allows you to lock down your kiosk or computer, so that it can be used securely as a digital sign or self-service tool.  In other words, when using KioWare Classic, you ensure that no one can turn off your kiosk/computer, hack into it, or damage any applications you are running on it.  You can also limit which applications are run on it, as well as which websites the browser can access.
What are the key components?KioWare Classic (a browser shell application) and the KioWare Classic Configuration Tool (Config Tool), which contains all the settings for running the KioWare Classic browser
How does it work?You first use the Config Tool to set up how you want KioWare Classic to work.  The Config Tool then “talks” to the KioWare Classic browser, telling it how to run.  The browser is opened by selecting a desktop icon or option in your Windows “Start” menu, and once it runs, it creates a safe environment for public use of your kiosk/computer.
What is the application type?Browser-based and is based on the Internet Explorer browser (if you do not use Internet Explorer, see our KioWare for Windows product, which is based on the Chromium browser)
Where is it installed?KioWare Classic is a desktop application.  Both its Config Tool and browser application are typically installed in a default folder on your kiosk/computer (see Installation, Manual Installation, Default Install Directories), but if you want to, you can install them in any other folder.
I do not need all of KioWare's features.  Can I buy a limited or “light” version?Three models are available: Lite, Basic, and Full.
  • Lite lets you lock down your browser for the most protection, set custom security for each of your users, place limits on other software that can be run, customize the main screen, import/export settings, create start/logoff schedules, and use addins.
  • Basic gives you everything that comes with Lite, plus support for using additional displays, and external devices.
  • Full gives you everything that comes with Basic, and also allows you to monitor multiple kiosks/computers from a central location using our KioWare Server product.
Can it be used with some type of server application?Only the Full model can, which includes a KioWare Server product.  This is installed on your server, and can be set up to “talk” to multiple kiosks/computers that are running KioWare Classic.  Or, if you don't want to spend the time and hassle managing a server by yourself, you can subscribe to KioCloud.  With KioCloud, we do all the work involved with hosting your server, so you can quickly get started and focus on your kiosk/computer—not your server.  For more information on KioWare Server or KioCloud, visit the KioWare website or email KioWare Sales.
What is in it?Multiple tools to give your browser and kiosk/computer the highest security, set custom passwords, open your favorite web pages or software, limit what other software can be run, add custom tool bars, stop certain keys or key combinations from being used, automatically load/update settings saved to a file, schedule days/times for certain shutdown and start actions, and use addins and devices.  (See KioWare Classic Tools below.)
Who can access it?Whomever you want.  An exit password (passcode) and other security features keep unwanted users from exiting the KioWare Classic browser and accessing system files and other items on your kiosk/computer.
What are some important things to know about running it?You will want to set a home page (see Configuration Tool, General Tab, Start Page URL) that appears when you open the KioWare Classic browser.  If no home page is set, the KioWare Classic Welcome screen will show.

Also, by default, the KioWare Classic browser is not locked down for the highest protection; you must change settings in the Config Tool (Quick Start Guide, Configuration Tool) to be fully secure and ready for public use.  See also the Best Practices section of this user guide for more details on setting up your security.

KioWare Classic runs in demo mode.  Demo mode simply means that it will periodically show a nag screen until you buy a license.  Other than that, KioWare is fully functioning.

KioWare Classic may still show the “This copy is not licensed” banner if you installed the license with a wireless card enabled, or if using a multi-user or volume license.  We highly recommend disabling wireless network adapters before licensing because they can cause the kiosk or computer to become unlicensed.  If you are using a multi-user or volume license, you will normally see the banner for about 10 seconds before it disappears.

Additionally, be sure to set the default Windows printer for users of your kiosk (see Configuration Tool, Printing).  Otherwise, users may try to print from a printer that is not turned on or is not close to the kiosk.

KioWare Classic Tools

These tools, located in the Config Tool (see Quick Start Guide, Configuration Tool, Start Page URL for an image of the Config Tool), make it easy to tell the KioWare Classic browser how to run by setting up security and special features of KioWare Classic.

File menuContains options for Config Tool settings (to load your Config Tool settings from a local or remote file, save your Config Tool settings to a local or remote file, or reload the default Config Tool settings) and for exiting the Config Tool
Tools menuContains options to access your Application Event Logs, set preferences (e.g., for loading/saving, XML signatures, multi-settings, and password), run an audit to check if any Config Tool settings are not recommended or place your kiosk/computer at risk, download the latest list for blocking popups/windows, let KioWare support staff connect directly to your kiosk/computer to research any problems running KioWare Classic, send details about your kiosk/computer (e.g., Event Logs and KioWare settings) to KioWare support staff so they can help you solve any problems, and set up monitoring of printers that support Printer Job Language (PJL, which enables KioWare Classic to send status information on the printer to KioWare Server, which alerts KioWare support staff of problems such as low paper or ink)
Help menuContains options to access the KioWare Classic user guide, show information on your KioWare Classic license or get a license, and open the About KioWare Classic screen (shows system information such as version and revision numbers)
General tabProvides basic settings for using your kiosk/computer and KioWare Classic (e.g., sets home page, creates list of web pages/web page scripts and protocols that KioWare Classic's browser application will allow or block, enables KioWare Classic to auto-load or auto-update settings from a remote settings file, “tells” KioWare Classic if users need to enter a passcode to exit, schedules dates and times for KioWare Classic to automatically complete such actions as shutting down or rebooting your kiosk/computer or putting it to sleep, and automatically logs onto a specific Windows user account when booting)
Keyboard/Printing tabIncludes settings for handling physical/on-screen keyboards and printing (e.g., keyboard settings to allow/block certain keys and key combinations such as Escape or Ctrl+Alt+Del, set up an on-screen keyboard, and set the file/web page that KioWare Classic shows when pressing the Help button on an EZ® Access keypad; and print settings for handling print messages shown before/after printing, print templates to control the formatting of the printed page, JavaScript commands for printing, messages about blocking, and the number of prints allowed per user session)
Attract/Inactivity tab“Tells” KioWare Classic how to behave on one or more monitors/touchscreens during an active/inactive user session, between sessions, and when a session ends (e.g., how long an active user session will last, how long to stay inactive before ending a user session, if alerts should show before a session will end, how long to show custom pages after session end but before the first attract screen shows, when and how long to show pages/attract screens and their order, and what special actions to complete on session end, such as showing a specific file/web page, clearing cookies/print queue, resetting the volume, or using a device that completes session-end actions)
External Devices tabAllows KioWare Classic to use security, input, and output devices that are connected to or built into your kiosk/computer, test these devices before use, and warn users that security devices will soon time out (devices include motion sensor, security mat, scanner, barcode reader, cash dispenser, printer, etc.)
Browser tabDetermines how KioWare Classic's browser application will look and run during a user session (e.g., enable/disable multiple browser tabs, add/customize tool bars, allow/block file downloads, show/hide scrollbars, allow/block JavaScript for moving/resizing main window, add/omit “KioWare”/current version number in the browser's user agent property, mimic running KioWare Classic in a specific version of MS Internet Explorer, allow/block popup windows and show/hide restriction messages, redirect or allow/log script errors, customize KioWare Classic popup windows, allow/block use of external applications embedded in web pages, load custom .NET addins, enable/disable context menu, and show/hide mouse cursor)
Tool Bar DesignerAccessed from the “User Interface” button on the Browser Tab (see above) and provides a “What You See Is What You Get” type of editor for setting up custom tool bars and controls in the KioWare Classic Browser (e.g., used to set custom name, size/position, docking, and colors/background for tool bars; show/hide tool bars on specific domains/web pages; add buttons, indicators, text, images, and other controls to tool bars; customize size/position, labels, and On/Off images of controls; create button for adding new blank browser tabs; align and evenly space tool bar controls; set up a skins directory for storing custom background images of controls; enable/disable highlighting when mouse is placed over controls; and show/hide control tooltips)
Phone tabUsed to set up KioWare Classic for making phone calls using either analog modem or generic SIP (e.g., option to either make calls using title tags embedded into the HTML or to pair numbers with tags in specific URLs for auto-dialing when a URL is displayed; analog modem settings for COM port and headset timeout; generic SIP settings to specify speaking/listening devices, server/proxy server, and codecs to convert voice to digital data on network-based phones, and for using SIPINFO as the tone protocol instead of the default RFC 2833; and options for customizing both the HTML dialpad and dialer messages for picking up handset and dialing success/failure)
Kiosk Management tabAllows KioWare Classic to “talk” with either the KioWare Server product you loaded on your server or the KioCloud that we host for you (e.g., enable server commands, enable monitoring of devices, download from the server/KioCloud any updates to the Config Tool settings, read Windows Management Instrumentation values and send them to the server/KioCloud, or send to the server/KioCloud information on the running state of KioWare Classic, heartbeat/urgent/daily logs about how the system and software are running, and usage statistics)
Security tabSets up security for KioWare Classic and your kiosk/computer (e.g., monitors the health of the KioWare Classic software such as for crashing or hanging up, enables/disables Windows Administrative Tools menu and Messenger Service, enables/disables use of Autorun CDs/USB storage devices and ClickOnce, logs when devices are added/removed, sets up user-level security and browser shell, and allows/blocks windows such as Open, Print, or Save in certain applications)

Scripting for KioWare Classic

When running KioWare Classic, you can use defined JavaScript commands to tell KioWare Classic to complete special actions.  For more details on how to do this, see Design Guide, Scripting.